We in Snow Space Salzburg are on the way to becoming a climate-neutral ski area by the 2025/26 season. The important thing is to rethink the business model of winter tourism, find innovative solutions, and develop our own company geared towards climate fitness. We refrain from compensation payments into large, international funds. Climate neutrality in Snow Space Salzburg is to be achieved exclusively through ecologically compatible skiing operations and regional compensation measures. Some time ago we introduced you to our advisory board for climate, environment, and biodiversity at Snow Space Salzburg and gave you tips on what you too can do towards sustainability on the mountain. Now it's our turn and we would like to present a few projects to you in more detail.
It is clear from the CO2 balance sheet that 64% of the CO2 emissions caused by our company come from the in-house vehicle fleet. In order to reduce this part step by step, we are conducting test operations with HVO fuel, a synthetic fuel in the current winter season 2022/23. The snow groomers in the Flachau ski area section are fuelled with this special HVO fuel, which will save 90% of the emissions compared to diesel propulsion.
How important is a climate-neutral ski resort to you? For more information please visit our website greenmountain.snow-space.com.