The Radstadt Nativity Scene Path - a reflective stroll

Hooray – St. Nicholas Day arrived with a new down jacket for me – just in time for the start of winter. My wife puts on her warm winter boots and wrapped up we head out into the wonderfully fresh air on a stroll around wintery Radstadt.

Christmas is in the air

As we reach the tower next to the town pond, we notice a sign for the “Radstadt Nativity Scene Path”. We follow the arrow and after a few metres we come to the first glass display cabinet, in which an artistically created nativity scene is displayed. There are a total of 13 nativity scenes along this atmospheric path around the old town wall, each its own little work of art.  They have been created by nativity scene makers from Radstadt and the surrounding area.

Each of them depicts the Christmas story, whereby each exhibit displays its craftsman’s individual approach to the topic. Some are pompously decorated and other catch your eye with their simplicity. In the evening the discreet lighting presents the nativity scenes at their best. Arriving at one of the last nativity scenes, the so-called ”Metzgerloch“ (Butchers‘ Hole) leads us along the southern side of the town wall into the resort centre of Radstadt, where we come across the last few exhibits.

At the Christmas Market

It’s the weekend. From the town centre Christmas music reaches our ears and the Christmas lights lead us to the Town Square, where lots of little, lovingly-decorated stands selling all sorts of Christmas wares await shoppers. The scent of frankincense fills the whole square and around the camp-fire there’s a storyteller surrounded by children with sparkling eyes.

We meet up with our friends Karl and Andrea and together we head for the punch stand to warm up. Time flies and eventually we make our way back home. It’s snowing heavily now and my better half just can’t stop herself – a snowball hits me right in the neck and drips down my back. Now you just wait, I’ll get you back! Who won the ensuing snowball fight? – Well, that’s another story!

Tips and Info: “Radstädter Krippenweg“: from 25th of November 2023 to 28th January 2024
Free admission
You’ll find more info here .

Photo credits: Lorenz Masser; TVB Radstadt