The Kaserboden: Come and dance with the elves and fairies - You’ll be rewarded with energy and joy!

The Kaserboden is one of 17 “geomantically-measured” energy spots in Filzmoos (geomantic comes from the Greek, from Geo-Mantaia, which literally translated means experiencing energy flows. You need to be in good physical condition to reach this unique spot. But it’s always worth the effort. From the Hofalm I hike past the Almsee Lake to the larch stone. Many hundreds of years ago a larch tree laid its arm protectively over a large stone, which displays the entrance to the earth. If you let the intensity of the energy of this place overcome you, you can feel a real connection with the earth. This spot is a place of cleansing and you can earth yourself here – connect with the earth in order to stand steadily on it and in life itself.
After pausing a while at the larch stone, I carried on full of energy to the Rinderfeld. The steep ascent over wonderful alpine pasture and partly through larch forest require lots of energy and good physical condition. It’s worth taking on this 30 minute ascent. Once you reach the top the bowl opens out and almost takes your breath away. A crystal-clear mountain stream winds its way through the bowl and the view of the Bischofsmütze, Kramerspitz and Hochkesselkopf is simply spectacular. This bowl is encircled by alpine roses, larch and mountain pine.

This spot is blessed with lightness and lots of energy

It is said, that following the stream in a slow but conscious way, so-called meditative walking or simply pausing, enables this spot to bring lots of lightness in clarity into your mind and heart. The element air is predominant.That’s why it’s called a dance floor for fairies and elves, taking the heaviness of life from those who linger there. The stream weaving through the alpine pasture heightens this pleasant atmosphere.

Now I simpy must try it for myself. I take off my walking boots and walk barefoot alongside the stream. I feel the softness of the alpine meadows beneath my feet, every now and again I wade through the stream – wonderfully refreshing. I feel a lightness and joy within and I want to sing, laugh, dance and jump. In the centre of the area I find a comfortable spot, sit down, close my eyes and try to let this spot work its magic on me. And sure enough after a short pause I feel fairies and elves dancing around me, there’s more and more and they encourage me to dance with them. It’s hard to tear myself away from this spot, but after more than 2 hours stopping to rest and recharge my batteries, I decide to carry on over the Rinderfeld to the Hofpürglhütte (walking time approx. 2 hours).
A hearty snack at the Hofpürglhütte is just what I need now. With renewed energy I hike back down to the Hofalm and take the Wanderbus back to Filzmoos. In the evening I still feel a feeling of lightness, joy and happiness within – I look back on a wonderful day with a smile on my face.

Useful information:

Energy spots in Filzmoos:
The mountain village of Filzmoos combines an unusually high number of energy-laden places, something the locals have always known and which has been confirmed by the geomantic measurement of 17 power spots.

Photo credit: Coen Weesjes, Alfred Hahn