Regionality is the future: Total Local twenty20

Local produce, hardworking farmers and a group of Flachau restauranteurs, who passionately love cookin,g have come up with a great idea. In the leading roles: a large portion of regionality, a pot full of sustainability and a pinch of creativity.  

Creating alpine dishes from local produce – that’s the Flachau restauranteurs’ vision. With their new signature dish* they have developed a culinary highlight, which can found on the menu of selected restaurants as of winter season 2020/2021. The basis of which originates exclusively from Flachau beef.

Last year the Flachau restauranteurs created a great new dish: "Gently stewed Flachau beef with root vegetables and bread dumplings“ a subtle variation of a good old speciality, which has been on offer in some restaurants for many years now. Today this dish is presented in a new way – and celebrates its triumph as “Total Local twenty20 dish“.

In 2021, all gourmets can look forward to "Geschnetzeltes vom Flachauer Rind & gebackener Salbei Polenta & Selleriepüree".

The dish is labelled with a specially designed “Total Local” seal, with which the Flachau restauranteurs pledge to acquire ingredients from local suppliers and to refine them in their kitchens. No matter whether milk, eggs, cheese or meat from our farmers or bread from the local baker – these products are not only sustainable, but also of the highest quality.
A very important aspect for the Flachau producers is sustainability. “It really shouldn’t be the case, that the meat we use in our restaurants and hotels, has to travel long distances, when we are right at the source”, says Hermann Oberreiter, the representative of the Flachau Event Restauranteurs and initiator of Total Local twenty20.
Michael Schiefer, the Chairman of the Flachau farmers, is of the firm opinion, that these products are of the highest quality - you couldn’t buy better: “Here in our region there are still genuine farms with cows that spend their summer on the alpine pasture, grazing exclusively in green meadows and drinking fresh spring water, where no additional feed is necessary.“ Hermann Oberreiter would even go as far as to describe the quality of the meat from cows that grow up on alpine pasture as “above and beyond organic”.     The restauranteurs are convinced: guests and locals alike will find this valuable cooperation between farmers and restauranteurs, which strengthens the region as a whole, pretty impressive and be able to taste the unique quality of the ingredients.
Daring to offer simplicity, regionality, seasonality and sustainability, the Flachau restauranteurs are definitely on the right track. The know-how which nature and local produce bring into the kitchen, is being more and more consciously implemented.   The Flachau restauranteurs and farmers look forward to pampering lots of guests and locals with regional delicacies in their restaurants in Flachau.  
The central theme is well featured in the Total Local twenty20 video – take a look for yourself!
Tips & info:   *Signature dish = a dish which identifies the chef – his signature as it were - with all his culinary fantasy and creativity.   *** The basis of the new “Total Local twenty20 dish“ is always Flachau beef. Lots of farmers in Flachau belong to the local producers. According to availability the meat is always acquired from different producers.   ***   You’ll find the Total Local twenty20 dish on the menus of the following restaurants and hotels:
  • Restaurant Hoagascht
  • Dampfkessel
  • Herzerlalm
  • Hofstadl
  • Zum Holzwurm
  • Hotel Winterbauer
  • Hotel Wieseneck
  • Hotel Montanara
  • Schüttalm (Flachauwinkl-Kleinarl ski area)
  Soon the Total Local twenty20 dish will be on the menus of further catering establishments. So keep your eyes peeled and let us know what it tastes like!
Photo credits: TVB Flachau, Jonathan Forsthuber