Regional specialities – sustainable and tasty

Regional is better!

In the heart of the small town of St. Johann, there’s a meeting point for all those who appreciate regional produce: The Pongau Farm Shop is a real treasure chamber – filled with everything the region and its farms have to offer.

I prefer to visit the Pongau Farm Shop first thing on a Friday morning. Firstly, because I love it when the last delivery men and women are there packing out their delicious produce and secondly because I get the best range of choice early on. The aroma of freshly baked bread tickles my nostrils and according to season that of the farmer’s doughnuts too. “Currently 26 suppliers deliver produce for the Pongau Farm Shop“, the Chairman Rupert Emberger tells me. The Farmer’s Shop in St. Johann has been in existence for 20 years and due to increasing demand and a larger product range, the shop moved to bigger premises around 2 months ago.
Produce ranges from fresh meat, different types of fruit and vegetables to milk products such as sheeps‘ milk yoghurt from the Mitterhub Organic farm dairy Kreuzer. The selection of bread products counts amongst the most popular produce. Since the renovation in August 2019 you’ll also find a number of Fair Trade products at the Pongau Farm Shop. A branch of sales, which has been taken over by the local “Fair Trade Store“.

The short and sustainable journey

Due to direct marketing transportation distances are short and animal friendly farming plus use of regional raw materials are guaranteed. Traditional methods of production are much appreciated by customers. Chairman, Rupert Emberger is very proud of the sustainable circle here at the Pongau Farm Shop.

Everyone finds something

No matter whether you’re visiting the Pongau Farm Shop as a local or a guest, you sure to find something. Maybe a good tipple of schnapps, tasty pickled cheeses or sugary-sweet jams. Anyone looking to take home a holiday souvenir has come to the right place here at the Pongau Farm Shop.

The Farm Shop is located right next to the Tourist Office in the town centre. The opening hours are: TUES – FRI: 8.30 am – 6.00 pm. I always look forward to the doughnuts during the Harvest Festival period. What do you like best from the Pongau Farm Shop?
Tips & Info:  The opening hours are: TUES – FRI: 8.30 am – 6.00 pm
Photo credits: Stefanie Mayr