About autumn-hikes & anticipation about the winter

The fog has completely wrapped the mountains and draws like a white veil over the tops of the trees. The fresh air feels cool on my face. My warm breath already forms small white clouds in the morning air. The pasture glistens from the rain. In the distance I hear a lonely cry of a raven.   The places on this Sunday morning are still quiet. The day before the rain soaked the ground under my feet. I make my way through the autumn landscape and the gravel crunches at every step. The Kleinarler Ache as my companion splashes on my left side. I let my fingers wander over the grasses on the banks of the river. Many of them turned from a juicy green into dry and brown blades of grass. They already used all of their energy during the flowering season and in the hot summer; we will have to wait until spring to enjoy the bright beauty of the flowers and grasses again. With pleasure I absorb the calmness and freshness into my body. It is still about 3 kilometers to my destination: the Jägersee at the valley end in Kleinarl.
I was waking up early this Sunday – too much in my head. I jumped into my car with sneakers and thick sports pants combined with a sweater, a scarf and the warming down vest. I crossed the village center of Wagrain and passed the famous Kaiserlinde. Also the majestic tree glows in the colorful colors of autumn. I continue to direction Kleinarl. In the center I park my car and take the hiking trail No. 1 further into the valley. When I leave the village behind me I feel calm. My thoughts sort themselves and my feet carry me on. How could you better get your head free and gather strength than outside in the nature of Wagrain-Kleinarl? But the nature is changing…

Autumn shows itself from the most beautiful side

On my way from Kleinarl to the lake Jägersee you can see all the signs that nature is setting for the winter. Already, in early October, the summits of the mountains are white. As if someone had used a sieve to sugar them. The prominent peak of the highest mountain in Kleinarl, the Ennskraxn, is still hidden in the clouds. Just as a few rays of sunlight make their way through the clouds, the wind gently releases the golden leaves from the trees along the river. Cheerfully they dance in the air in front of me. How beautiful autumn can be.

Gradually I cross small streets, sometimes a bridge. The signposts always keep me on the right track. After about an hour I am at the end of the path and at my destination, the Jägersee. The trees with their colorful leaves between the evergreen trees are reflected on the surface and create a unique picture. I sit down on a chair at the shore of the lake. The restaurant Jägersee is empty, in December the restaurant invites again to stop by – it is known for its delicious freshly caught trout, hearty deer dishes and home-made flour dishes. Today I skip the tour around the lake as I have to continue 4 kilometers to return to my starting point in Kleinarl. For a while I enjoy the sight of the calm lake, the ducks and swans, and finally I start my way back.

The winter can come!

The nature returns to its roots. All energy will be sucked from the leaves and finally they are thrown off the trees. But not only nature is preparing for the winter, also the villages are changing again. The flower post and boxes disappear from the balconies. The garden furniture is stowed in the cellars and my thick down jacket is already waiting in my wardrobe. Suddenly I feel anticipation for the first snow and the white months. When the glittering snow and ice cover the world again and let the nature sleep below.… When the skis are ready to go in the trunk … And the joy about the first turns on the slopes…

  • Take a piece of autumn home with you: collect beautifully colored leaves, dry and squeeze them in a book and after 1-2 days the leaves are conserved and also shine in your home.
  • A trip to the Jägersee. Enjoy the landscape in the nature protection zone in the valley end. Collect strength and energy. Inclusive a stop at the  restaurant Jägersee
  • Actual autumn pictures can be found on our Facebook and Instagram page. We are looking forward to see your pictures and comments #wagrainkleinarl
Photo credit: Wagrain-Kleinarl Tourismus